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Gweithdy Adennill Iaith//  Language Reclamation Workshop, Toyosi Adenuga

  • Abergavenny Train Station Station Road Abergavenny, Wales, NP7 5HS United Kingdom (map)

As part of her Pegwn residency at Platfform 2, Toyosi will spend time immersed both in the landscapes surrounding the station and in her ongoing artistic exploration of embodied speech, modes of communication in the face of language loss, and the abstraction of language as a catalyst for transformative interactions. Drawing on personal experiences in trying to learn Yorùbá, and from Pegwn’s previous programmes, she will play with the medium of drawing to represent the interplay between the Yoruba and English languages and interrogate how perceived language hierarchies might be challenged.

Fel rhan o’i phreswyliad Pegwn ar Blatfform 2, bydd Toyosi yn ymdrochi yn y tirweddau o amgylch yr orsaf ac yn ei hymchwil hir-dymor mewn i foddau o ymgorffori geiriau llafar, o gyfathrebu mewn cyd-destun o golli iaith, ac o haniaethu iaith fel catalydd ar gyfer cyfarfyddiadau trawsnewidiol. Gan dynnu ar brofiadau personol o ddysgu Yorùbá, ac ar raglenni blaenorol Pegwn, bydd yn chwarae gyda darlunio fel cyfrwng i gynrychioli’r berthynas rhwng y Yoruba a’r Saesneg, ac ymholi mewn i ffyrdd o ddad-sefydlogi hierarchaethau iaith.

To draw the residency to a close, and open out the ways of working Toyosi centres in her practice, there will be a public event on Friday 6th October (11am - 4pm, starting from/returning to Abergavenny Train Station). The walk and workshop is open to 8 participants and the group will be invited to share experiences of language reclamation through individual and collective wor(l)d-mapping exercises across collage, drawing and other activities. This event is hosted within the context of Pegwn’s ongoing enquiry into language-making and translation in artist-led and site-responsive ways.

I ddod â’r breswylfa i ben, ac i agor allan y ffyrdd o weithio mae Toyosi’n datblygu yn ei phractis, bydd digwyddiad cyhoeddus ar ddydd Gwener 6ed Hydref (11yb-4yh, gan ddechrau a gorffen yng ngorsaf drenau’r Fenni). Mae lle i wyth person i gymryd rhan mewn gweithdy’n ymwneud â phrofiadau o adennill iaith, gan gymryd rhan mewn ymarferion mapio geiriau/bydoedd gyda collage, darlunio a chyfryngau eraill. Mae’r digwyddiad hwn yn digwydd yng nghyd-destun archwiliad hir-dymor Pegwn i ddyfeisio geiriau a chyfieithu arbrofol mewn ffyrdd a arweinir gan artistiaid yn safle-benodol.

To join this workshop please email  

Artist a dylunydd gofod yw Toyosi Adenuga, sy’n ymwneud yn ei gwaith â’i hunaniaeth ddiasborig a ffordd penodol y Yorùbá o olrhain a phrofi’r byd gan ystyried y corff o safbwynt aml-synhwyraidd. // Toyosi Adenuga is an artist and spatial designer whose creative practice gestures towards her diasporic identity and the Yorùbá’s particular way of tracing and experiencing the world which considers the body from a multi-sensory perspective.  

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In-Conversation: Artist Sean Edwards & Writer Jude Rodgers